Introduction to GNU/Linux

Welcome to the Introduction to GNU/Linux course. This page has been set up as the primary distribution point for this and (soon to be) many other courses based in the instruction of Linux. There aren't many frills here, to maximize compatibility with all systems, and to provide the information in a straightforward way.

Notice: This has been posted for peer review and evaluation purposes.

Yes, its Copylefted

The original copyright belongs to the Utah State Board of Education, and to the author, Thomas J Miller jr. However, you are more than free to pass it around, improve on it, and in general do anything you want to it except:

  1. Make any modifcations proprietary: If you improve it and distribute/sell it, you have to copyleft your improvements.
  2. You must follow the guidelines laid out in the copyleft notice found within the document, and that notice must remain in the packet unmolested and unaltered.

Copyleft and the principles behind it can be found within The GNU Site.


There is currently a project to place the entire packet into an easy-to-read HTML document that you can peruse online, Module by Module. Until it is ready, you may want to download and print a copy of this packet and guide for your own use. I have taken the time to convert this packet (all 82 pages of it) into most popular formats, including Windows Word 97 .doc, Star Writer 5.1 (.sdw), .rtf format, monolithic HTML format (downloadable), and will hopefully have Adobe .pdf and even a simple .txt file converted and ready for distribution soon.

Choose from among your favorite formats below. Keep in mind that the monolithic html format can either be brought up then printed directly, or downloaded as a zipped file.

Note that the document was originally written in MS Word, (the only way I could get to the high-speed printer at the time), so you may have to repaginate and dress-up the document in other formats before using. This will change as I am able get to each format and clean them up.

Help Wanted: I can certainly use all the help I can get in cleaning up the pagination and format-adaptations that will be necessary. Please email me with copies of the cleaned-up packet in whatever format you choose to work on. Also, if you feel there is a format here that is not addressed (hint: PostScript would be nice :), please feel free to convert the document, clean it up for pagination and style, then send it to me for posting.

Bugs and errors: Although I have taken care in keeping this document up to date and technically error-free, odds are that I probably missed something. Please feel free to email me with corrections and some evidence supporting the needed corrections; I will work on them ASAP.